Counseling in Denver Colorado

Therapist in Denver Colorado Connected Brain Counseling offers trauma informed counseling specializing in adult women and trauma in Denver

Individual Counseling

Counseling in Denver for Adults

Getting started with mental health counseling services can be intimidating, but if you’re with the right therapist in Denver Colorado…that should fade away quickly!

As a young woman who felt very intimidated (actually, terrified) to make that first call to find a therapist in her early twenties – I get where your headspace may be right now. Coming face to face with the parts of yourself that have been ignored or feel too stuck to change is no small task.

We are here to tell you what is infrequently discussed, though…that on the other side of this fear is the lighter, more joyful and fulfilled version of yourself that was hidden out of sight. Our team is confident in our ability to help you reconnect to the version of yourself you have lost sight of and we cannot wait to meet you, no matter what emotional state you may be at

Connected Brain Counseling’s Approach to Individual Therapy

We believe in an empathetic approach to mental health counseling services with gentle encouragement, structure, and a genuine connection between the client and therapist in Denver Colorado. Our goal is to understand and validate your experience while giving you a safe space to explore new ideas and feelings that may be confusing, or messy, at times. 

Whether you are looking for support in leaving a toxic relationship, strategies to manage anxiety, understanding your attachment style, or a non judgmental ear to simply listen, we would be honored to be your therapist in Denver Colorado in the way that you inherently deserve.

Counseling for Women

Bosa Sebele said it best, “There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise.” And we want to help you do just that! Let’s be honest, though. Wanting to grow doesn’t take away from just how hard it is to be a woman (or a human) it today’s society. 

Have high standards? Us too

Our therapist in Denver Colorado understands that many women hold themselves to incredibly high standards. That we are conditioned to be hyperaware of our appearance and weight. That we are expected to have a full time job and be selfless, patient mothers and generous lovers while holding it alllll together, every day. 

We also understand that anxiety disorders are at an all time high. So is the divorce rate, closing it at nearly 60%. Plus did you know that 1 in 4 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. And an additional 75% of women have some sort of disordered eating behavior? The list, unfortunately, could go on. 

Who we work with

You’re not alone in this fight, and counseling can help. We love our work with women and with high retention rates we think our ladies love us, too! With over 80% of our clients being adult women ages 20-40 in the Denver area, Connected Brain Counseling has the right female therapist in Denver Colorado for you.  Learn about our team members here to find the best fit for you. 

Therapy for Trauma in Denver

Understand how trauma lives in your brain and body

Survivors of trauma know that the traumatic experience someone endures lingers in the body, brain and nervous system long after the event is over. Trauma isn’t something we can tangibly hold, or make sense of, in many cases. It affects attachment styles, sleep, anxiety, willingness to take risks…and more.

As a licensed therapist in Denver Colorado who specializes in mental health counseling services, we want you to know that what qualifies as a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) diagnosis or Complex-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) diagnosis is less important to your process of healing than the meaning you make of the hardship(s) you have experienced.

What does this mean? It means that if you feel that an event was traumatic, it was, in fact, traumatic. A diagnosis will not validate or invalidate this for you. You don’t need a diagnosis, or a counselor’s sign off, to know that your body and brain need to heal.

Getting started with trauma mental health counseling services in Denver

We want you to know that the journey to healing starts with your brain. Your thoughts fuel your emotions, and your emotions fuel your behavior. This cycle can create a positive cascading effect, or it can look like intense anxiety, flashbacks, ruminating on one topic, detachment, anxious attachment styles, nightmares and insomnia.

The way your brain holds onto trauma is both unique to you and deeply impacting. We understand that clients do not talk their way out of experiencing the effects of trauma…but rather, understanding the thoughts that keep us stuck in a cycle actually allows clients to connect more deeply to their body and soothe the nervous system in the process.

Our team of therapists in Denver Colorado is here and ready to hold your story, make meaning, and give you your power back.

Virtual Counseling in Colorado

Counseling from home in Denver, Colorado

Say goodbye to the commute and hello to your cozy sweatpants! If you got used to taking all of your appointments from home during COVID, you’re not alone. More and more clients are asking for virtual options for counseling – and we’re here for it! There is a lot to be gained from your own home while connecting with a therapist virtually.

All of our therapists in Denver Colorado are trained to complete counseling sessions, both individual counseling and couples counseling, virtually. While some clients prefer in person sessions, we understand that others have busy schedules and time commitments outside of counseling that make staying from home more convenient.

​Getting started with virtual counseling

If possible, we recommend you meet with your therapist in Denver Colorado in person for the first three mental health counseling services. This will help you get a feel for each other before stepping behind the screen, helping build rapport and trust for the journey ahead.

If you are completing counseling sessions from home, the same principles regarding confidentiality and a distraction free space apply. Please make sure that you are completing your session from a computer rather than your phone and that you are fully ready to dive into session on time. We ask that nobody else is in the room with you or can overhear the session to maintain HIPPA compliant confidentiality.

Options for Neurofeedback at Home in Denver

If you are completing a Neurofeedback program with Connected Brain Counseling as well, you’re in luck! We offer remote neurofeedback programs that compliment your time in counseling. Check out our page on At Home Neurofeedback Program to learn more.

Our therapists in Denver Colorado pull from neurocounseling and other empirically backed modalities

We believe in a multi-modal approach to counseling and one of the most popular modalities we offer is Neurocounseling,

What is neurocounseling?

Mental health counseling services is a rapidly growing technique used in counseling sessions that blends data and educated empathy into one therapeutic approach. Neurocounseling as a modality relies heavily on QEEG Brain Map data to inform therapist in Denver Colorado of the best approach in treatment for clients.

Getting started with neurocounseling

Clients start by completing a qEEG Brain Map and reviewing the data with their specialist. This information can point your therapist in all sorts of directions, including how sleep is affecting your mental health, how trauma is being held in the brain, attachment styles, head injuries and more.

You will review your qEEG Brain Map data to understand how trauma is impacting emotion and behavior. Your counseling program will be designed from here, guiding your therapist in Denver Colorado in an educated direction on how to best facilitate change for your unique patterns.

Let's get started

Set up a free consultation to find the right therapist for trauma in Denver for you.

The image shows a logo with a circular design. Inside the circle, the text reads "Connected Paths Counseling" in red, and below it states "Individual & Couples Therapy & Neurofeedback" in pink. The text and circle have a transparent background.

3 Things To Consider Before
Starting Neurofeedback