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Connected Brain Counseling

Neurofeedback and Counseling in Denver and Lakewood
Sloan's Lake & Lower Highlands

Modern options for mental health without medication.

You feel like counseling is helpful, but want more than a therapist to reflect your feelings.


We get it, mental health is complex! Connected Brain Counseling for Individuals & Couples + Neurofeedback offers a holistic approach to mental health.


With proven results in treating trauma, anxiety, depression, ADD/ADHD, insomnia and more - we help people who want more than basic counseling reach their full potential.

We help clients with...

Trauma & PTSD

Sleep issues, hyper vigilance, logical thought processing, disassociation and substance use are all common responses to trauma.

Disordered Eating & Body Image

Learn about how addressing neurological dysfunction can help you find relief from an eating disorder.

Perfectionism & OCD

Did you know that perfectionism is frequently a response to trauma and may be indicative of an overactive frontal lobe? 

Sexual Assault

1 in 4 women will experience sexual assault in their lifetime. We are ready to hold space and listen to your story.

Attachment Styles

The way you were raised is scientifically proven to affect the way you attach to others as an adult. 


Did you know that over 60% of ADD and ADHD diagnoses are inaccurate? Understand how your brain is holding symptoms of ADD/ADHD


What our clients say

"After a number of traumatic events several years ago, I suffered bouts of anxiety and PTSD. Recently, I began having headaches and found myself tired a lot, even when getting what should have been enough sleep.


Michela completed a brain map, which showed scientifically what was happening to cause these symptoms. It was enlightening and validating; it made me feel less crazy and gave me a clear pathway forward. I am halfway through my neurofeedback training program, and quickly noticed increased energy levels, faster processing and the ability to slow down my anxiety."


Meet the Team

Our team holds a Master's or PhD in counseling. Plus, all neurofeedback programs are overseen by a Board Certified Neurofeedback Clinician.

Different symptoms and diagnoses require different forms of treatment. Our team offers a diverse range of specialties to match your needs. 

The Science

There are over 2000 peer reviewed journals spanning nearly 80 years researching neurofeedback as an effective form of mental healing. 

As long as you keep secrets and suppress information, you are fundamentally at war with yourself…The critical issue is allowing yourself to know what you know. That takes an enormous amount of courage.



Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score

Discounts Offered

We are proud to offer a 10% discount off any service to mental health providers (currently practicing), first responders, military and teachers in the Denver community.

Teacher and Pupil
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